Monday, September 27, 2010

Won't You Be My Patio?

Continuing le tour de downtown Boise Will and I found ourselves walking north on Sixth street.  "Oh shit look at this sign."  "Yeah, I heard they closed."   All too common in our town right now; another business closed their doors for good.
This particular sign is hanging on the front door of the Melting Pot.  A day or so after we saw this sign I was stoked to hear the Melting Pot has new owners and will be reopening soon.  Viva melty cheese and wine.  Take that recession.

Anyhoo, I've been to the Melting Pot a hand full of times but have never been on their patio.  The patio is located just off the north side of the building.  It's small, intimate, simple and super cool.  The west side of the patio is right on 6th street with only a wrought iron gate to define the patio from the side walk.  It reminds me of a place in Napa Kama and I checked out a few years back.  The other three sides are brick building, big trees and brick wall. 

I have never wanted to have a smaller backyard than I have now; until now.  If I had a small backyard I would make it look essentially just like this.  Very minimal grass, mostly saw-cut concrete patio, trees lining the fence line furthest from the house and both sides of the yard and mobile furniture.  

As far as backyard living spaces this would be one of the most modern, comfortable, usable, maintenance-free, unique and functional back yards around.

I can see it now.  This is my backyard.  Rather than mow the grass and fix the sprinklers I water some potted flowers and sweep the patio with a broom.  As the sun comes up over the back fence I move a chair into the sun, grab a book and sip a mint julep.  I don't know how to make a mint julep, but if this was my patio I would totally learn how.



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